Before 8:15 am students are checked into morning daycare.
From 8:15 am to 8:30 am please only use the middle entrance when entering the school parking lot and reduce your speed to 5mph. As you enter the parking lot, immediately turn right (going north/parallel with Hitt/25th). Go through the parking lot, then turn left/west, then left/south again. You should now be parallel with the school building. You may drop your child off on the sidewalk at either entrance of the main school building. (DO NOT DROP OFF AT THE NEW EDUCATIONAL BUILDING.) Staff will be available to help your student enter the building safely. You may exit from either the south entrance/exit (see map below). For safety reasons, all pedestrians are required to use the crosswalk, as shown on the below map.
Please have your child ready to leave the car as you drive up, so they may quickly exit the car and you can be on your way. Always pull up as FAR FORWARD as possible and always be watching for those children and parents who walk their children into the school. There will be staff directing traffic to help things run efficiently and smoothly.
When picking up preschool students at 11:30, please use the far south entrance when entering the school parking lot and reduce your speed to 5 mph. As you enter the parking lot, drive west through the parking lot then turn right as you near the end of the parking lot. Turn left and then right to drive parallel with the football field. Please make your way around to the front of the school where we will be loading your student. Please do not get out of your vehicle. Teachers will load your student into your car for you. Please note, teachers will not load a student into a vehicle of someone not listed on the Emergency Information Form unless prior authorization has been given by the parent. Vehicles will need to turn left when they reach the Pedestrian Crosswalk and exit to Hitt Road through the middle exit. (see map below). For safety reasons, all pedestrians are required to use the crosswalk, as shown on the below map.
To ensure the safety of all, please be sure to use the crosswalks when entering and exiting the building.
K5 through 1st Grades:
Please use only the middle entrance when entering the school parking lot and reduce your speed to 5mph. As you enter the parking lot, immediately turn right (going north/parallel with Hitt/25th). Go through the parking lot, then turn left/west, then left/south again. You should now be parallel with the school building. Staff will have the grades in their groups and will assist in loading the students into the vehicles. Please do not get out of your vehicle. Teachers will load your student into your car for you. Please note, teachers will not load a student into a vehicle of someone not listed on the Emergency Information Form unless prior authorization has been given by the parent. Vehicles will need to turn left when they reach the Pedestrian Crosswalk and exit to Hitt Road through the middle exit.
2nd through 5th Grades:
Parents should enter through the south entrance and line up along the south east-west sidewalk (by the water fountain). Cars may form two traffic lanes. The staff will have the 2nd through 5th grade students on the grassy area and will assist in loading the students. Please do not get out of your car. Teachers will load your student into your car for you. Please note, teachers will not load a student into a vehicle of someone not listed on the Emergency Information Form unless prior authorization has been given by the parent. Vehicles may exit through either the south entrance/exit. If parents choose to walk up to pick up their students, they are asked to utilize the crosswalk (indicated below in blue). For safety reasons, no one, other than authorized personnel, are authorized to walk through the car lines (car line traffic pattern indicated below in yellow).
Please use the middle entrance when entering the school parking lot and reduce your speed to 5mph. As you enter the parking lot, immediately turn right (going north/parallel with Hitt/25th). Go through the parking lot, then turn left (west), and follow along the north side of the Middle/High School building. Students may be dropped off along the pink highlighted area indicated on the map. After dropping off, proceed forward and turn left (south) driving parallel with the football field. Curve left with the road and exit onto Hitt Road using the most southern exit (see map below).
Afternoon Pick-Up for the Middle/High School Campus
Please use the far south entrance when entering the school parking lot and reduce your speed to 5mph. As you enter the parking lot, drive west through the parking lot then turn right as you near the end of the parking lot. Turn left and then right to drive parallel with the football field. Students may be picked up along the back side of the gym/educational building as indicated in the pink highlighted area below. After pick up, turn right exiting the middle driveway of the school parking lot onto Hitt Road.