We are excitedly preparing for our upcoming annual Color Run. This year, all proceeds from the Color Run will go towards our Technology and Instructional Programs.
To support and participate in our Color Run fundraiser, you only need to know three very important things:
1) Registration
Registration is now open. Everyone is invited to participate; students, parents, family members, friends, etc. To participate in the Color Run, please click the link below. Registration from this point forward will not include a Color Run t-shirt or bandanna. It is for participation only.
Registration is $25.00 per person or a family maximum of $100 (up to 5 people from the same household).
2) Sponsorship Forms
Sponsorship Forms have been sent home with all Preschool and Elementary students today. Middle School and High School students may pick up their Sponsorship Form in the MS/HS office. Students are encouraged to talk with friends, family, and neighbors and ask if they would like to sponsor them (a flat rate) for the Color Run. This year, sponsorships can be made through the student or can be made online on the FACTS Giving platform. That link can be found here.
3) Business Sponsorships
Do you or someone you know own a business and would like to sponsor the Color Run? For businesses, we offer the following sponsorship packages:
Gold Package: $5,000
Banner placement on the playground all year long.
One year advertisement on the Watersprings School website.
Three months of radio underwriting acknowledgements.
Advertisement on Graduation Programs.
Silver Package: $2,500
One year advertisement on the Watersprings School website.
One month of radio underwriting acknowledgements.
Advertisement on Graduation Programs.
Bronze Package: $1,000
One year advertisement on the Watersprings School website.
Advertisement on Graduation Programs.
Click here to be a business sponsor.
Other Pertinent Details
Here are all the other pertinent details for the 2024 Color Run. Be sure to check out the prizes!
Color Run Date: Friday, May 10th at 2:00 pm.
Location: Watersprings School Football Field
Why have a Color Run? A Color Run is a fun event for our entire school community! Also, 100% of all the proceeds from the Color Run go towards our Technology and Instructional Programs. Our goal is to raise $100,000, which will enable us to update and enhance our Technology and Instructional Programs.
What is a Color Run? During the Color Run, participants will enjoy intermittent dance parties and are doused with color at various color stations. (The color is non-toxic, colored cornstarch.) The event will end with one final color celebration at the finish line. Water and refreshments are provided throughout the event.
Incentives: We have lots of prizes! Each class that reaches 100% registration participation receives a free confetti cannon! We also have lots of other fun prizes and incentives for individual students. Posters and prize displays will be in the school offices.
3) Volunteer Opportunities
Are you looking for ways to get involved at Watersprings School? We would love to have your help at this exciting event. You can sign up to help here.
We look forward to sharing this exciting experience with you! If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office.
Watersprings School Playground Sponsors
Watersprings School would like to especially thank the following sponsors: